Cozumel has officially elected the 2013 Carnaval King and Queen!  Congratutions to Rosmery and Peter!   Last Saturday night was the official vote and Rosmery, who was profiled here last week, won the coveted title of Queen by a landslide!

Throughout the grueling competition, Rosmery used 5 different costumes, which used an  “around the world” theme and featured   outfits inspired by China, Russia, Africa and India.  Throughout the entire competition, Kenny Villanueva was on hand to assist with hair and make-up.  To check out her amazing ensembles,  check out her facebook page, or the official webpage, where you can find the schedule of events as well as photos of all the kings and queens.

This story originally appeared in the weekly Cozumel 4 You NEWS – the island’s number one source of positive information about our island!  Be sure and subscribe to the weekly NEWS to find out all the island events!…



Laura Wilkinson

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