Cozumel is shining with sparkles, glitter, party dresses, costumes and decorations.  .  Every weekend in February features gala events including the presentation of King and Queen candidates, and coronation ceremonies for the entire royal party, which this year, also includes, for the first time ever, a special needs King and Queen.  One of the highlights of the pre-Carnaval events is the island’s distinct Ladies Show, which is slated for February 22ndMunicipal authorities are hard at work making sure the malecon, or downtown waterfront area, will be repainted and decorated with colorful animal ornaments.  Cozumel police are on board and reporting they are prepared for an increase in security during the celebration and additional collections of refuse will be scheduled.  Local establishments will be offering special seating and dinner options, and various charities are planning on selling beads, masks and other celebratory items.

Carnaval is full of tradition and culture, and credit to those of all ages for music, make-up, hair, costumes, dancing, props and floats!  It truly leaves a lasting impression and makes you want to embrace this event!  The official parade and entertainment schedule can be found here, and be sure and check out the official facebook page for photos and even more information on one of Cozumel’s biggest celebrations.

This story originally appeared in the weekly Cozumel 4 You NEWS – the island’s number one source of positive information about our island!  Be sure and subscribe to the weekly NEWS to find out all the island events!…

Laura Wilkinson

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