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3 Cozumel Guitar Players Fundraiser


3 Cozumel Guitar Players Fundraiser

3 Cozumel Guitar Players Fundraiser

May 20th concert to benefit Arian Rocha, island artist

A very good friend and part of the Cozumel Artist Community, Arian Rocha, had some severe medical issues that appeared out of nowhere, and is now in the slow process of getting his life back. Although insured, there are major expenses that have to be covered.

Friends are putting together a FUNDRAISING CONCERT of these 3 very talented guitar players. They will be playing together in a concert at the Museum of the Island on Saturday, May 20th at 8pm.

Tickets are only 50 pesos (or more if you want to donate more) and can be purchased at Galeria Azul. All proceeds will go to paying Arian’s bills. If need be, you can message me (Greg Dietrich) if you want me to hold tickets for you.
It’s a very good cause and will be a very good show.

Recaudación de 3 guitarristas de Cozumel

Mayo 20, concierto en beneficio de Arian Rocha, artista de la Isla. . .

Arian Rocha,  buen amigo y parte de la comunidad artística de Cozumel, se vio afectado por problemas médicos serios que aparecieron de la nada y ahora se encuentra en el lento proceso de recuperación. A pesar de contar con seguro, hay gastos mayores que es necesario cubrir.


Amigos de él están organizando un CONCIERTO DE RECAUDACIÓN con 3 guitarristas muy talentosos quienes se presentarán en un concierto en el Museo de la Isla el sábado 20 de mayo a las 8:00 p.m.


Photo Courtesy of Greg Dietrich

El costo de los boletos es de tan solo 50 pesos (o más, si usted gusta donar más) y pueden adquirirse enGaleria Azul. Todo lo que se recabe será para cubrir cuentas de Arian. En caso de que lo requiera, puede enviarme un mensaje (Greg Dietrich) para que guardarle boletos.


Es una muy buena causa y será in excelente espectáculo.

Greg Dietrich
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Greg Dietrich -

Greg first came to Cozumel in 1988 to scuba dive and enjoy the beaches of the east side of the island. He immediately fell in love with the island and its people. His dive master convinced him he should look into buying a house here… turns out his other job was as a real estate agent. Long story short, he bought a house here on that very first visit. Greg came back to Cozumel at least twice a year for the next 10 years. In the spring of 1998, Greg had a successful glassblowing related business in Seattle Washington, the city that is known as the glass art center in the United States. In March, on the first night of his much needed vacation in Cozumel, he met Liliana Macotela. This encounter changed everything. By the end of that year, he had sold his business, packed up his engraving machine, and moved here to the island. He opened his working studio/gallery, called Galeria Azul, in the downstairs of his home. He is still there to this day engraving and painting, and in general, enjoying his life here with his wife, Liliana.

1 Comment

  • I would like to add that tickets are also available at MIRA LO QUE ME ENCONTRË in Chedraui Plaza, 2nd floor.

    Tambíen los boletos están en venta en MIRA LO QUE ME ENCONTRE en Chedraui Plaza, 2do piso

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