One of the official candidates for Queen for this year is Rosmery Shultz, a young charismatic, bi-lingual, 19 year old, who works as a photographer in Stingray Beach, she’s been a participant in the Carnaval Cozumel since she was very small.   Her comparsa, or support staff, consists of 75 dancers, 6 choreographers and 5 different carnaval-style ball gowns.   She and her supporters have been working hard, every night, dancing and campaigning for her cause.  It’s a very long and expensive road to be a true Queen, we invite you to follow her campaign in her facebook page,Yo Voto Por Rosmery para Reina del Carnaval 2013 to get an inside look at an official candidate and follow her activities from an insider’s perspective.

You can also find the official schedule as well as the other official candidates on the webpage.

This story originally appeared in the weekly Cozumel 4 You NEWS – the island’s number one source of positive information about our island!  Be sure and subscribe to the weekly NEWS to find out all the island events!…

Laura Wilkinson

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