I’m taking a break from my usual snark and carrying on, to tell you all about my friend Henry, who owns a B&B here on the island. Henry has taken it upon himself, to gather together volunteers and go over and clean the beaches of Cozumel, as well as other areas that don’t get picked up by the city.In the month of June, they removed over 1,500 KILOS of garbage! They don’t get any government support or funding, and they’re just doing it because it’s the right thing to do….

Please go over and give Yo Limpio Cozumel a shout out http://yolimpiocozumel.blogspot.com/, the site is in spanish, but once you see all those jumbo black garbage bags you’ll get the idea. Feel free to follow the blog, leave a comment, or if you’re here on island, get involved!! I know I will be!

Laura Wilkinson
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