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Art In Cozumel


Art in Cozumel: More Murals in Cozumel… by Greg Dietrich

Last year the local government of Cozumel invited the artists of PangeaSeed to paint murals on the city streets. The project is called Sea Walls, and has spanned the globe. The objective of the project is to raise awareness of the oceans and the problems facing them, as well as to promote art and community awareness. The artists, who come from many different parts of the world, came to Cozumel and painted 36 different Sea Walls.

A group of local artists, who call themselves Colectivo La Quinta, decided to join in on the project. They were Art_Cozumelgiven a wall on 30th avenue, between Aldofo Rosado Salas and 3rd street, to create their art. In the photo attached, you will see the end result. This all happened in the summer of 2015. But, it seems to have taken on a life of its own as newly painted walls keep appearing around town. I decided to investigate and sat down for a conversation with one of the local artists involved, Draya Madú.

The group spent 10 days working on the wall on 30th avenue. They did not receive any payment and very little support from the government. Basically they had to look for donations and sponsors to help pay for the paint and other materials needed. What they did find is a public that was very curious and supportive. People would bring them food and beverages, as well as engage in conversations about the project, the life of an artist, and so on.  One of the biggest moments came when photographer Martha Cooper came to Cozumel to see, and photograph, their work. She is world renowned for her photographic work of graffiti in New York. It was quite an honor for these local artists to meet and talk with woman. Draya said it would be like a scuba diver meeting and being complimented by Jacques Cousteau.

After the official Sea Walls project ended, the group Colectivo La Quinta has been approached many times by residents asking if they would like to paint their wall or walls. Some people pay for this, others only offer to supply the materials, but the result is every day there are more of these beautiful murals around the island. I also found it interesting that most people who have invited this local group to paint their wall give the artists full discretion in what the subject matter is.

If anyone is interested in having a mural painted on their wall, they can contact the group on Facebook under their name Colectivo La Quinta, or contact me and I can help you find them, or them find you.

Incidentally, PageaSeed is at it again and has sent the global Sea Walls team to Isla Mujeres for a second time in 3 years.

On a closing note, Draya also told me there is also a global movement of people who travel around the world lookingArt_Cozumel2 for walls to paint. They arrive, get a feel for the area, and then start looking for possible sites, sometimes just knocking on the door to see if the people will let them paint their front wall. Many of the murals are addressing social issues in the area. They have even invented a new word for this movement…Artivism.


Thanks for your attention everyone…

till next time,

greg dietrich

 Arte en Cozumel: Más Murales, por Greg Dietrich

El año pasado el gobierno de Cozumel invitó artistas de PangeaSeed para pintar murales en las calles de la ciudad. El proyecto se conoce como Sea Walls (Muros del Mar) y se extiende por todo el mundo. El propósito del proyecto es el de crear conciencia acerca de los océanos y los problemas que éstos enfrentan, y a la vez promover el arte y sensibilizar a la comunidad. Los artistas procedentes de distintos lugares del mundo, llegaron a Cozumel y pintaron 36 Sea Walls distintos. Un grupo de artistas locales que se llaman a sí mismos Colectivo La Quinta, decidieron unirse al proyecto. Para la creación de su arete, se les ofreció el muro localizado en la 30 Avenida entre Adolfo Rosado Salas y Calle 3. En la fotografía que se adjunta podrán apreciar los resultados finales. Todo esto ocurrió durante el verano del año 2015. Sin embargo, esto parece haber cobrado vida propia ya que surgen nuevos murales en la ciudad. Decidí investigar y me senté a platicar con una de las artistas participantes: Draya Madú.

El grupo trabajó durante 10 días en el mural de la 30 Avenida. No recibieron pago alguno y muy poco apoyo por parte del gobierno. Básicamente les fue necesario obtener donativos y patrocinadores que ayudaran a pagar la pintura y otros mArt_Cozumel1ateriales requeridos. Lo que so encontraron fue un público con mucha curiosidad y apoyo. La gente les llevaba alimentos y bebidas, y también entablaban conversaciones sobre el proyecto, la vida de un artista y así sucesivamente. Uno de los momentos más grandiosos fue cuanto la fotógrafa Martha Cooper vino a Cozumel a ver y fotografías la obra. Ella es mundialmente reconocida por sus fotografías de grafiti en Nueva York. Los artistas locales se sintieron honrados por conocer y platicar con esta mujer. Draya comentó que era como si un buzo conociera y fuera elogiado por Jacques Cousteau.

Una vez concluido oficialmente el proyecto Sea Walls, muchos habitantes locales se han acercado a Colectivo La Quinta preguntando si desean pintar su muro o muros. Algunas personas pagan por ello; otras sólo suministran los materiales, pero el resultado es que día a día hay más murales bellos en la Isla. También se me hizo interesante que la mayoría de las personas que han invitado a este grupo local para que pinten sus muros, dejan a los artistas la discreción total en cuanto al tema.

Por cierto, PageaSeed está en ello una vez más y por segunda ocasión en 3 años al enviado al equipo Sea Walls a Isla Mujeres.

Para concluir quiero señalar que Draya también mencionó que existe un movimiento mundial de personas que buscan muros para pintar. Llegan,  se dan una idea de la zona y luego comienzan a buscar sitios posibles; en ocasiones sólo tocan a la puerta para ver si la gente les permite pintar el muro del frente. Muchos de los murales abordan problemas sociales que existen en la zona. Ellos han inventado una nueva palabra para el movimiento: Artivismo.

Gracias por su atención

Hasta la próxima,

Greg Dietrich

Greg Dietrich
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Greg Dietrich -

Greg first came to Cozumel in 1988 to scuba dive and enjoy the beaches of the east side of the island. He immediately fell in love with the island and its people. His dive master convinced him he should look into buying a house here… turns out his other job was as a real estate agent. Long story short, he bought a house here on that very first visit. Greg came back to Cozumel at least twice a year for the next 10 years. In the spring of 1998, Greg had a successful glassblowing related business in Seattle Washington, the city that is known as the glass art center in the United States. In March, on the first night of his much needed vacation in Cozumel, he met Liliana Macotela. This encounter changed everything. By the end of that year, he had sold his business, packed up his engraving machine, and moved here to the island. He opened his working studio/gallery, called Galeria Azul, in the downstairs of his home. He is still there to this day engraving and painting, and in general, enjoying his life here with his wife, Liliana.

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