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An ex-Connecticut Yankee who has called Cozumel home for over 18 years, Laura ran away to the Caribbean years ago, bumped around the islands teaching SCUBA diving, lost some time in Jamaica, and finally stopped in Cozumel for a 2 week vacation that hasn’t ended yet. With a degree in Journalism from a fancy private college she convinced her parents to pay for, Laura writes, edits, and creates the weekly Cozumel 4 You news, social media, and promotional articles about the island, as well as moderates the Cozumel 4 You Facebook group, which currently has over 25,000 members. Her long suffering husband, Fabian, has long since resigned himself to having zero private life, as he’s been involved in her various schemes and plots since his arrival. Proud parents to a variety of rescue dogs and cats, Laura continues to be the bane of her traditional Mexican mother-in-law’s existence, as she muses her way through life in the Mexican Caribbean. ______________________________ Una ex yanqui de Connecticut quien llama hogar a Cozumel desde hace más de 15 años. Laura escapó al Caribe hace años, desplazándose de una isla a otra dando clases de BUCEO. Se dedicó a perder el tiempo en Jamaica y finalmente se detuvo en Cozumel para pasar unas vacaciones de 2 semanas que aún no terminan. Convenciendo a sus padres que pagaran una elegante universidad privada, obtuvo su título en Periodismo y Laura crea semanalmente Cozumel 4You, medios sociales y artículos promocionales sobre la Isla y también es moderadora en el grupo Cozumel 4 You en Facebook que actualmente cuenta con 25,000 miembros. Fabián, s umuy tolerante marido, desde hace mucho tiempo se resignó a no tener vida privada, pues se ha visto implicado en los diversos proyectos y planes que urde Laura. Son orgullosos padres de diversos perros y gatos rescatados. Mientras contempla su paso a través de la vida en el Caribe mexicano, Laura continúa siendo la pesadilla en la existencia de su muy tradicional suegra mexicana.

2231 Articles

Cozumel Fisherman Reporting Seasonal Lobster Catch on Target

Representatives from the Cozumel Fisherman’s Cooperative, are reporting 14 tons of lobster caught this quarter, or 60% of their expected seasonal catch.  This...


“Early Bird” Discount for Cozumel Property Taxes Starts in November

Cozumel land owners who choose to pay their 2013 Predial Taxes early will receive a 25% discount.  In fact, the municipality is once...


Hurricane Sandy a Unexpected Boon to Cozumel Tourism

Due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy, several cruise ships were rerouted earlier this week, creating additional visitors to the island.  The Norwegian...


Cozumel Turtle Season 2012: Update by Biol. C. Ricardo Peralta M.

The final number of nests recorded is: 5263!!! Congratulations to Pantera and the turtle crew!!! The turtle station goes well, we currently have...

Health & Fitness

Cozumel’s Perimeter Road Nearly Ready For November Ironman

Construction is nearly complete on Cozumel’s new perimeter road, just in time for the upcoming full Ironman event in November.  In addition to...


Cozumel Featured in “Peter Greenberg Worldwide” Radio Program

Cozumel is once again being featured in the American Travel Industry, but this time, it’s not for our amazing reef system, scuba diving...


Cozumel Turtle Season 2012

We’re at 5230 nests and  the number just keeps going up. Probably in the next couple of weeks will get the final number....

Health & Fitness

Cozumel 70.3 Ironman a Winning Success

Last weekend’s half-ironman or MetLife 70.3 Ironman was a resounding success for Cozumel.  Hotel occupancy, which normally hovers around the 25% mark during...


Cozumel Lessons: Seize the Day

  I used to be a saver. I would save the last of my favorite things, and guard them with ferocity. Luckilly, over...


Early Morning Cleaning Burglars

Saturday morning, 7 am.  The entire family, canine, feline and human soundly tucked into their beds.  Front gate opens. Me:  “Honey, I think...

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