Moses Jimenez. Content creator for more than 20 years, 18 of them on the island of Cozumel. Collaborator in multiple informative projects and social diffusion. Antonio Lopez . Bachelor of Communication Sciences and Techniques with 13 years of experience in the media.
August Schedule Cozumel: Environmental Awareness Community Activities August Schedule in Cozumel: Environmental Awareness and Community Activities Text & Translation by Moises...
Cozumel Quintana Roo new tax real estate brokers Congress of Quintana Roo approves reform that imposes a new tax on real estate...
Cozumel Mangrove Environmental Conservation JH Tono Lopez Mangrove Collective: Activities and Challenges in Environmental Conservation in Cozumel Text & Translation by...
Cozumel Clean Beach Crew Moises JH Tono Lopez Cozumel’s Clean Beach Crew: An Interview with Melanie Qualls Text & Translation by...
Cozumel Blue Crabs Moises JH Tono Lopez Blue Crab Migration in Cozumel: Call to the Community for its Protection Text &...
Cozumel Water Committee Moises JH Tono Lopez Advance of the Management Program of the Cozumel Watershed Committee Text & Translation by Moises...
Xcaret Mexican Popular Art Fair Moises JH Tono Lopez Xcaret Mexican Popular Art Fair: A Celebration of Culture and Crafts Text &...
Cozumel Vivo Fest Moises JH Tono Lopez Cozumel Vivo Fest: a call to action for the protection of the island Text & Translation...
Lionfish Festival Cozumel Moises JH Tono Lopez International Lionfish Culinary Festival from May 22 to 24 in Cozumel José Canto, president...
Mermaids Living Corals JH Tono Lopez Mermaids for More Living Corals: Mermaid Squad Prepares for an Epic Challenge in Cozumel Text & Translation...