Moses Jimenez. Content creator for more than 20 years, 18 of them on the island of Cozumel. Collaborator in multiple informative projects and social diffusion. Antonio Lopez . Bachelor of Communication Sciences and Techniques with 13 years of experience in the media.
KAN Cozumel Moises JH Tono Lopez KAN Cozumel. Free sterilization clinic for dogs and cats Text & Translation By Moises Jimenez &...
2024 Cozumel Discounts Taxes Moises JH Tono Lopez End of Year “Early Bird” 2024 Cozumel Municipal Taxes Discounts Implemented Text & Translation...
Play. “Las Cartas van sobre la Mesa” Cozumel Violence against women Moises JH Tono Lopez Play. “The cards on the table” “Las...
Emanuel Campos Ladies Show Carnaval Moises JH Tono Lopez Emmanuel Campos. The choreographer of the Queen Heather show Text & Translation By Moises...
Situation report construction Av. Rafael E. Melgar Moises JH Tono Lopez Situation report and progress of work on Av. Rafael E. Melgar Text...
Coral & Ocean Conservation Day Dead Art Moises JH Tono Lopez Memories of our Steps Cozumel Art Installation Calls Attention to Coral &...
Cozumel Landfills Waste Management Moises JH Tono Lopez Cozumel & The The Challenge of Waste Management Environmental Audit and Sustainability Perspectives Text &...
Day of the Dead Moises JH Tono Lopez “Día de Muertos” Activities Program of the municipal government of Cozumel Text & Translation...
Polio Run Rotary Moises JH Tono Lopez 7th Annual 5 K Fun Run to End Polio 2023 Text & Translation By Moises Jimenez...
Heather Queen Ladies Show Carnaval 2024 Moises JH Tono Lopez Heather. The first foreign queen of the Cozumel “Ladies Show” Pre Carnaval...