Moses Jimenez. Content creator for more than 20 years, 18 of them on the island of Cozumel. Collaborator in multiple informative projects and social diffusion. Antonio Lopez . Bachelor of Communication Sciences and Techniques with 13 years of experience in the media.
Catrinas artistic creation workshop Moises JH Tono Lopez “Catrinas” artistic creation workshop Text & Translation By Moises Jimenez & Antonio Lopez Cozumel...
Moises JH Tono Lopez A musical of Lies. “Un Musical de Mentiras” Cozumel Mexico A musical of Lies. “Un Musical de Mentiras”...
Moises JH Tono Lopez Baby Turtle Release Punta Sur Cozumel Baby Turtle Release at Punta Sur in Cozumel Text & Translation By...
Moises JH Tono Lopez Cozumel Mexican Independence Cozumel to Celebrate 213 Years of Mexican Independence Text & Translation By Moises Jimenez &...
Moises JH Tono Lopez Hoop It Up 3×3 Basketball Cozumel Cozumel will host the “HOOP IT UP 3×3 MÉXICO TOUR 2023” Text &...
Moises JH Tono Lopez Maya Train Tren Maya is already carrying out tests on rails Text & Translation By Moises Jimenez &...
Moises JH Tono Lopez New Ferry Cozumel The Cozumel-Playa del Carmen Route will have a third shipping company in August 2023 Text...
Moises JH Tono Lopez Art Happy Children Cozumel Museum “Art for Happy Children” at the Cozumel Museum Text & Translation By Moises Jimenez...
Cozumel Pueblo Magico Tourism Director Cozumel Island Striving for “Pueblo Magico” Status Text & Translation By Moises Jimenez & Antonio Lopez Recently, the...
Moises JH Tono Lopez Human Rights Commission Cozumel Cozumel’s office of “Derechos Humanos” (Human Rights) An Explanation of Services Offered Text &...