Mayan Legends Monica Sauza Mayan Legends: Jun Raqan, “the one legged” by Monica Sauza “Before Creation, there were no men, no animals, birds,...
Cedral Feria Traditions Explained: The Importance of La Feria de Cedral and Dia de Santa Cruz Some history on this upcoming celebration……...
General R E Melgar Cozumel General Rafael Eustacio Melgar Honored in Cozumel Ceremony Earlier this week General Rafael E....
Cozumel News Karina Carrion Cozumel athletes’ medals Cozumel athletes’ medals By Karina Carrión Cozumel, March.- Cozumel’s team shined brightly in its own...
Cozumel El Caracol Ruin Winter Solstice Punta Sur’s Archaeological Temple “El Caracol” Honors Winter Solstice Phenomenon Just last Wednesday, February 22, the Punta...
Cozumel News Karina Carrion Downtown Cozumel San Miguel Pier The San Miguel pier in Cozumel by Karina Carrión Cozumel, February 2023. – “To...
Christmas in Mexico Monica Sauza shares Mexican history & traditions regarding Christmas…. The celebration of Christmas in Mexico goes back to Colonial times...
Cozumel Electricity Cozumel’s Underwater Cable System to be Replaced & Upgraded Last week the State Governor and representatives of the Federal Electricity...
Princesa Maya Shipwreck Cozumel The Story of the Princesa Maya Located on the northern tip of Cozumel, The wreck of the “Princesa...
Mexican History – Mexican Flag Mexican History Month: Evolution of the Mexican Flag by Ric Hajovsky Copyright Ric Hajovsky 2018 The first...