Daylight Savings Time in Cozumel ends on the last Sunday in October, which this year falls on Sunday, October 27th at which time...
Cozumel’s new President, Fredy Marrufo, has recently announced that one of Cozumel’s most easily identifiable icons, the fountain statue, ‘Atardecer Marino’ will soon...
Last week Cozumel made the official Guinness World Record with the largest lionfish ceviche ever. Cozumel restaurants, the National Marine Park, and the...
Last Sunday Cozumel was the scene of the 2nd annual 70.3 MetLife Ironman. The sold-out event, was attended by more than 1,500 athletes...
A recent article that appeared in the Diario Quintana Roo outlines the many duties that Cozumel firefighters perform, often on a daily basis....
When renovations to the Cozumel Convention center started back in November 2012, the 40 million peso project was expected to be completed in...
For the 5th year in a row, Cozumel 4 You devotes the month of September, Patriot Month, to learning about Mexican history, culture,...
September is a special month in Cozumel. To commemorate Mexico’s rich cultural history, so many events have been planned that the municipal government...
Andres Quintana Roo was born in Merida, Yucatan on November 30, 1787. He studied in the Seminario de San Idelfonso de Mérida, and...
Cozumel’s last lionfish tournament, which took place, August 25th, removed 1,593 specimens of this voracious predator off our island’s reefs. According to a...