Adrian Cozumel Adrian in Cozumel: Pride of Ownership Lifetime Island resident Adrian Chimes in About the Importance of Good Service… When I mention...
Laura WilkinsonJanuary 14, 2021Gardening Cozumel Eat What You Grow: The Cozumel Gardener by Fred Boehm Eat what you grow It was late March of this year...
Fred BoehmDecember 24, 2020Aerolito Cozumel Protecting Aerolito Cenote: An Important Cozumel Natural Resource Officials move to create a protected area for this ecologically important area.. Update: ...
Laura WilkinsonDecember 14, 2020Los Cinco Soles Features Silver Jewelry Artist Eva Carrillo Five centuries of Mexican silver jewelry traveling around the world have made it’s art...
Laura WilkinsonDecember 10, 20203 TIPS FOR CONDO ASSEMBLIES IN QUINTANA ROO by Horacio Cuevas Text and translation provided by Mr. Cuevas It is condo assembly season...
Horacio CuevasDecember 2, 2020Cozumel Museum Bracelet Offers Discounts at Downtown Establishments If you’re visiting the island or have been meaning to tour the museum since it’s...
Laura WilkinsonNovember 26, 20202020 Buen Fin Sales Offered for Extended Time El Buen Fin, ¨ which literally translates to “the good (week) end ¨ is a...
Laura WilkinsonNovember 12, 2020A Real Cozumel Love Story by Laura Palmer Harris I’ve heard many people say they’re in love with Cozumel, and find the island...
Laura WilkinsonNovember 5, 2020Cozumel Gardener Gardening Tips from the Cozumel Gardener: Don’t forget to Water the Impatience Don’t forget to water the impatience ….. I am...
Fred BoehmOctober 22, 2020Cozumel hurricane Delta Cozumel Unscathed by Hurricane Delta: Grateful Residents Await Tourism Hurricane Delta made landfall in Cozumel on the early hours...
Laura WilkinsonOctober 15, 2020