Daily Life in Cozumel A photo says 1,000 palabras…. I’m fully convinced we’ve hit the dog days of summer, even though it’s only...
cozumel depths The Depths one can sink to When I started to work at home, other, wiser friends told me that I would...
Cozumel Parties Maybe I just don’t get it. I know that I’m a gringa, and here in my adpoted country, we have different...
Non Cozumel Related Rant A Slight Digression Rant, NCR A new friend of mine is opening a salon here on the island. I’m...
Cozumel BBQ I’m pretty sure the CSI Crime Lab is on it’s way Does anyone know how to get rust stains out of...
Cozumel Parties Game night – painful and not to be repeated The Fab-man has had a long standing poker engagment every Wednesday. It’s...
Cozumel Beach Camping Cozumel Beach Camping We just got back from beach camping on the other side of the island. Frankly, I’ve never...
Why I love living in Cozumel Yet another reason (no. 451) why I love living here Last night after we got home from...
Cozumel fishing with animals Deep Sea Fishing with animals This happened a while back, however, it still makes me smile, and that’s what...
Cozumel Humane Society Adoptable Cats Check out the bobble-head! I’ve been foster-caring this adorable bobble-headed kitten since last Saturday. The Queen of...