Cozumel FPMC Card How to Obtain a FPMC Card & It’s Benefits Discounts & Services Explained from the FPMC...
Archive for category: Municipality
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Cozumel Blood Donation Drive
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, blood, Blood bank, Cozumel, Cozumel Blood Donation Drive, Medical Care, 0Cozumel Blood Donation Drive Cozumel Blood Donation Drive at CostaMed June 16 June 16th at CMC starting at 7...
Cozumel Upcoming Events
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Cozumel events, Cozumel things to do, Cozumel Upcoming Events, 0Cozumel Upcoming Events Upcoming, Continuing Events, Snippets & Cozumel Classifieds Interesting tips, news, and sales in Cozumel… ...
Cozumel Electricity
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Cozumel Electricity, Cozumel Power, Power Outage, 0Cozumel Electricity Cozumel Affected by 5 State Power Outage “Mega-Blackout” Affects Southeast Mexico including Quintana Roo … A massive blackout...
Cozumel Thimble Jelly Fish
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Cozumel, Cozumel Thimble Jelly Fish, Jelly Fish, 0Cozumel Thimble Jelly Fish Reports of the Start of Thimble Jelly Fish Season While NOT life threatening “sea lice”...
Cozumel Immigration Documents
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Cozumel Immigration Documents, FM documents, INM, Mexico Legal Immigration, 1Cozumel Immigration Documents Important Info for Registered Foreigners in Mexico Attorney Gisela Rodriguez covers several obligations & regulations from...
Pre-Festival 500 Celebrations Begin This Weekend
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Things to Do, Concert, Pre-Festival 500 Celebrations, Things to do in Couzmel, 0Pre-Festival 500 Celebrations Pre-Festival 500 Celebrations Begin This Weekend A full program celebrating 500 years of history and two...
What is a Mexican Corporation
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Uncategorized, Corporation, Legal, Notary, 0What is a Mexican Corporation & What are their Benefits Notario Manuel Villanueva explains Mexican Corporations & their workings…...
Cozumel Hurricane 2017 Hurricane Predictions: Less Activity than 2016 CSU predictions are for a slighter lower than average season…...
Cozumel Customer Service
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Bicicross, Chuck Gray, Connie Gray, Cozumel Customer Service, 0Cozumel Customer Service Connie Gets Her Tricycle: Outstanding Cozumel Customer Service Island bike shop goes extra mile for client...