Time Change in Cozumel This Sunday – One Hour Back While the United States observes daylight savings time by falling back the first...
Cozumel Recycling CAMAR Continues Used Electronics Recycling Campaign Cozumel’s Centro de Acopio de Materiales Reciclables (CAMAR) has extended their campaign to collect used...
CONANP/APIM Cozumel Coastal Clean-Up Day a Huge Success Last Saturday, September 27th, the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas in Cozumel (CONANP) and...
Cozumel News I Cozumel Officials Seek Funds to Repair the Road to Punta Molas The Cozumel municipality is seeking assistance to repair the...
Cozumel Park“Benito Juarez” to be Remodeled & Renamed “Benito Juarez” Park, which is located literally in Cozumel’s center, is slated for an entire...
New Parking Regulations for Cozumel’s Downtown Waterfront Last weekend the controversial parking meters in Cozumel’s downtown waterfront were finally removed. Now that Cozumel’s...
CAMAR Recycling Cozumel Receives Statewide Acknowledgement CAMAR Cozumel has received acknowledgement over the success of the “Cero Llantas Isla Cozumel” (Zero Tires in Cozumel)...
Cozumel’s “Occidental Allegro” Hotel Damaged by Fire Early Sunday morning a fire swept through the Occidental Allegro Cozumel Hotel. Island firefighters as well...
Cozumel Schools Return to Classes An estimated 21,000 Cozumel children returned to schools and classes the beginning of this week, when summer vacations...
Join me in an Epic, Epicurian Scavenger Hunt on Isla Cozumel by Ric Hajovsky Join me as I seek out the most...