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Cozumel Artists Affected by the Pandemic:  Cari Barbachano

A Series By Greg Dietrich, Owner Galeria Azul

Greg Dietrich in a glassblowing studio

In March of 2020, the world as we know it changed. As with many occupations, the results were economically devastating for artists. I am asking the artists of Cozumel to write a little something about how they have dealt with the crisis and to share some photos of their new work. Their stories will be shared with everyone, one at a time, over the next couple months. If you have been contemplating purchasing someone’s art, now would be a great time to do so.

Hope you enjoy the stories,

Greg Dietrich – Owner – Galeria Azul

About Inés Carina Barbachano Falkenberg:

A Mexican painter who considers art as her most effective channel of communication. Her main muse is female duality. The combination of strength and delicacy. The union of oil, acrylic and spray paint are the main means of it. During her years of work, she has sought to break paradigms and encourage the public to create her own reality. She has taken psychology of color applied in art  (FIT, NYC) and in fashion illustration (Parsons, NYC).

Carina Barbachano’s art has a recurring but not totalitarian theme; every painting has its own history and its reason why. An important individualism to emphasize. When adding them together, a kind of autonomy is created defining woman by its own and unique essence, emphasizing the importance of sisterhood and feminine union. Throughout centuries we have experienced harsh situations and the artist feels that the best way to heal is by giving support to one another and not by the fall of one to get ahead.

She writes:

During the pandemic there has been a relentless exploration of new avenues; embracing different techniques and subjects; emphasizing the many aspects that one can be able to experience within a certain time frame. After a year of the pandemic, I intensely connected with nature and disconnected from the human relationship, trying to recreate, not what I see with my yes, but the feeling I experience when I see something. During this time I have come to compare the impermanence of nature with the impermanence of feelings, always mutating and with an uncertain bearing. During this time of movement and change, I have found the natural habitat within; a splendid silence where inspiration is always active. In the face of all adversity, we must turn to creativity and try to express the deepest part of our inner selves.




Artistas en Cozumel afectados por la pandemia: Cari Barbachano

Una serie de Greg Dietrich, propietario de Galería Azul

El mundo tal y como lo conocemos cambio en Marzo 2020. Al igual que sucedió con muchas otras labores, los resultados

Greg Dietrich at work in Galeria Azul

fueron económicamente devastadores para los artistas. Pedí a los artistas que escribieran algo sobre cómo han enfrentado la crisis, y que compartieran algunas de las fotografías de sus nuevas obras. Durante los próximos dos meses, compartirán sus historias con ustedes, una a la vez. Si está considerando adquirir alguna pieza de arte de algún artista, ahora es el mejor momento para hacerlo

Espero que disfruten las historias.

Greg Dietrich- Propietario – Galeria Azul 

Sobre Inés Carina Barbachano Falkenberg:


Pintora mexicana que considera el arte como su medio de comunicación más eficaz. Su principal musa es la dualidad femenina; la combinación entre la fuerza y la delicadeza. Ha encontrado su inspiración en experiencias ajenas, como por ejemplo la opresión de los géneros. La unión del óleo y los aerosoles son su principal medio. Durante sus años de trabajo ha buscado romper paradigmas y alentar al público a crear su propia realidad.  Ha tomado cursos de psicología en el color aplicado en el arte (FIT, NYC) y en ilustración de moda (Parsons, NYC). 

El arte de Carina Barbachano tiene un tema recurrente pero no totalitario, cada pintura tiene su historia y su porque, un individualismo importante a recalcar. Al sumarlas se crea un especie de autonomía que define a la mujer por su propia y única esencia, haciendo énfasis en la importancia de la hermandad y la union femenina. Hemos vivido a través de los siglos en situaciones no favorecedoras y la artista siente que la mejor forma de arremedar es el apoyo entre una y otra y no la caída de una para salir adelante.   

Ella escribe:

Durante la pandemia ha habido una exploración incesante a nuevos caminos, abarcando varias técnicas y sujetos, haciendo énfasis en las múltiples facetas que puede experimentar una persona en cierto tiempo determinado. Tras un año de pandemia, me conecte intensamente con la naturaleza y se desconecte con la relación humana, intentando recrear, no lo que veo con mis ojos, si no el sentimiento que experimento al ver algo. En esta época he llegado a comparar la temporalidad de la naturaleza con la temporalidad de los sentimientos, siempre mutando y con un rumbo incierto. Durante esta época de movimiento y cambio, he encontrado el hábitat natural dentro de mí, un silencio espléndido donde la inspiración siempre está activa. Ante toda adversidad hay que voltear a la creatividad e intentar expresar lo más profundo de nuestro interior. 




Greg Dietrich
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Greg Dietrich -

Greg first came to Cozumel in 1988 to scuba dive and enjoy the beaches of the east side of the island. He immediately fell in love with the island and its people. His dive master convinced him he should look into buying a house here… turns out his other job was as a real estate agent. Long story short, he bought a house here on that very first visit. Greg came back to Cozumel at least twice a year for the next 10 years. In the spring of 1998, Greg had a successful glassblowing related business in Seattle Washington, the city that is known as the glass art center in the United States. In March, on the first night of his much needed vacation in Cozumel, he met Liliana Macotela. This encounter changed everything. By the end of that year, he had sold his business, packed up his engraving machine, and moved here to the island. He opened his working studio/gallery, called Galeria Azul, in the downstairs of his home. He is still there to this day engraving and painting, and in general, enjoying his life here with his wife, Liliana.

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