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Cozumel Art Lucio Frias


Cozumel Art Lucio Frias

Cozumel Artists Affected by Pandemic: 

Lucio Frias 

In March of 2020, the world as we know it changed. As with many occupations, the results were economically devastating for artists. I am asking the artists of Cozumel to write a little something about how they have dealt with the crisis and to share some photos of their new work. Their stories will be shared with everyone, one at a time, over the next couple months. If you have been contemplating purchasing someone’s art, now would be a great time to do so.

Hope you enjoy the stories,

Greg Dietrich – Owner – Galeria Azul


Lucio Frias

My name is Lucio Frías; a self-taught Cozumelenian painter and muralist. For over 24 year I have been devoted to easel painting, 6 years to murals and have lived off art for 10 years now.


From an early age I realized that I had a natural ability to draw and paint.


Making my way in arts has been difficult, but also very satisfying as with the passage of time I have met many people who have bought at least one of my works.


At present with the pandemic, the situation has become very difficult for those of us who live off art, because due to the emergency the economy in the country and the world is contracting; consequently, so are the people. Therefore, buying art is not something among their plans.


We, the artists, are one of the most vulnerable groups because we greatly depend on our works being sold. You could also say that we do not have some of the government’s benefits.


The economy in our trade has been greatly affected.


But since artists live from their creativity, we continue working and do not stop.


We hope that this situation ends as soon as possible and that we all have a much better economic certainty. I invite you to support local artists by buying at least one of their works.


Check out my works at ART FRIAS COZUMEL in Facebook


Artistas de Cozumel afectados por la pandemia: Lucio Frías

El mundo tal y como lo conocemos cambio en Marzo 2020. Al igual que sucedió con muchas otras labores, los resultados

Paul Mila with Greg Dietrich of Galeria Azul Cozumel

fueron económicamente devastadores para los artistas. Pedí a los artistas que escribieran algo sobre cómo han enfrentado la crisis, y que compartieran algunas de las fotografías de sus nuevas obras. Durante los próximos dos meses, compartirán sus historias con ustedes, una a la vez. Si está considerando adquirir alguna pieza de arte de algún artista, ahora es el mejor momento para hacerlo

Espero que disfruten las historias.

Greg Dietrich- Propietario – Galeria Azul 


Lucio Frias

Mi nombre es Lucio Frías. Pintor y muralista decorativo autodidacta cozumeleño. Me he dedicado a la pintura de caballete desde hace más de 24 años y 6 años a los murales decorativos y con 10 años ya viviendo del arte.


Desde temprana edad me di cuenta que tenía facilidad para dibujar y pintar.

Han sido momentos muy difíciles el abrirse paso en el área de las artes pero a la vez muy satisfactorio pues con el paso del tiempo he logrado conocer mucha gente que ha comprado al menos una obra de mi auditoria.


En estos momentos de pandemia la situación se a tornado muy difícil para los que vivimos del arte ya que ante esta emergencia la economía del país y del mundo se contrae y en consecuencia de la gente también. Por lo tanto la compra de arte no está en sus planes.


Los artistas somos uno de los grupos muy vulnerables ya que dependemos mucho de la venta de nuestras obras. También se podría decir que no contamos con algunos de los beneficios de gobierno.


La economía del gremio artístico se ha visto afectada muy fuerte.

Pero como el artista vive de su creatividad seguimos trabajando y no nos detenemos.

Esperamos que esta situación pase lo más pronto y que todos tengamos ya mayor seguridad económica. Los invito a apoyar a los artistas locales comprando al menos una de sus obras.


Para ver algunas de mis obras checar en: ART FRIAS COZUMEL en facebook.

Greg Dietrich
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Greg Dietrich -

Greg first came to Cozumel in 1988 to scuba dive and enjoy the beaches of the east side of the island. He immediately fell in love with the island and its people. His dive master convinced him he should look into buying a house here… turns out his other job was as a real estate agent. Long story short, he bought a house here on that very first visit. Greg came back to Cozumel at least twice a year for the next 10 years. In the spring of 1998, Greg had a successful glassblowing related business in Seattle Washington, the city that is known as the glass art center in the United States. In March, on the first night of his much needed vacation in Cozumel, he met Liliana Macotela. This encounter changed everything. By the end of that year, he had sold his business, packed up his engraving machine, and moved here to the island. He opened his working studio/gallery, called Galeria Azul, in the downstairs of his home. He is still there to this day engraving and painting, and in general, enjoying his life here with his wife, Liliana.

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