Cozumel Chrysalis Group
Chrysalis Third Annual Chrysalis 5k Fun Run/Walk: Sunday March 8th
Chrysalis is proud to announce the Third Annual Chrysalis 5k Fun Run/Walk, to be held Sunday, March 8th. Registration from 7am-8am, race starts at 8am. Entry fee of 150 pesos will include a t-shirt and a raffle ticket. Prizes awarded to the top male and female finishers in 4 age categories, and to the top 3 in the category of “Special Abilities”. Many raffle prizes will also be available. We start at Airport Road and the waterfront (Sedena) racing north to Hotel B and back. All proceeds to benefit the Cozumel Chrysalis Group, helping students in Cozumel reach their full potential through education. Plan to join local Cozumeleños, ex-pats and visiting guests with this great fundraiser!
The Cozumel Chrysalis Group
is a non-profit organization that helps children in Cozumel with the cost of education. Chrysalis began in 1995 with a few volunteers who provided financial assistance for 10 elementary school students.Thanks to the generosity of locals and visitors, Chrysalis has grown to support approximately 300 students annually in primary, secondary and high schools.The expense of sending a child to public school is a financial hardship for many families in Cozumel. Chrysalis assists students from these families who show a desire to better their lives through education. Mexican public school students are expected to show up for class in uniform, shoes and with the required school supplies. The support that Chrysalis provides allows them to do just that, so they can focus on learning and achieving their potential.
No money changes hands between Chrysalis and the students’ families, ensuring all assistance provided is used solely for students’ educational needs. Packets of school supplies are provided to sponsored students at the beginning of the school year. Chrysalis contracts with local merchants and pays them for the purchase of shoes and uniforms. Registration fees at the high school level are paid directly to the schools. Chrysalis members work on a strictly volunteer basis and receive no salary.
Chrysalis is fully supported by donations and fundraisers.
If you are interested in more information, please see the Chrysalis website:
For more great Cozumel Information
This story originally appeared in the weekly Cozumel 4 You NEWS – the island’s number one source of positive information about our island! Be sure and subscribe to the weekly NEWS to find out all the island events!
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