Carnival “Paradise” Ship Rescues Sailor  at Sea Off Cozumel’s Coast

Photo Courtesy of Fred Boehm Photography

When departing from Cozumel earlier this week – May 18th –  the Carnival  Cruise Ship “Paradise”   received a distress call, and their response rescued a sailor who claims his boat was sinking in the middle of the ocean.

The Carnival Cruise Line ship came to the aid of the man, launching a lifeboat to retrieve the sailor, who was picked up just 21km north of Cozumel, Mexico, where the Carnival Paradise had just departed.

The sailor, who was not injured, was retrieved from the boat safely using one of the ship’s lifeboats.  The mariner was brought onboard the Carnival Paradise. He was provided with food, water, and medical treatment. A rescue boat arrived from the Mexican Coast Guard to take the sailor back to land.

El buque Carnival Paradise rescata a un marinero a la deriva en las costas de Cozumel

Photo Courtesy of Fred Boehm

A comienzos de esta semana, el 18 de mayo, al zapar de Cozumel, el buque turístico Carnival Paradise recibió una llamada de auxilio, y su respuesta salvo a un marinero quien manifestó que su bote se hundía a la mitad del océano.

El buque de la línea naviera Carnival ayudó al hombre lanzando un bote salvavidas para rescatar al marinero a quien encontraron justo 21 kilómetros al norte de Cozumel, México, desde donde el Carnival Paradise recién habría zarpado.

Laura Wilkinson

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