Cozumel is once again being featured in the American Travel Industry, but this time, it’s not for our amazing reef system, scuba diving or even our snorkeling.  What caught Emmy award winning Travel Editor Peter Greenberg’s attention was our lagoon system.

Also known as the Travel Detective, Peter Greenberg regularly appears in “CBS This Morning,” the “CBS Evening News,” and hosts a nationally syndicated “Peter Greenberg Worldwide Radio” show, broadcast each week from a different remote location around the world.   Last week Peter ‘s show was  broadcasted from Playa del Carmen, during which time he also sat down with Robert Cudney, owner of Mexico Silvestre Wilderness Outfitter, to discuss one of the many unique features that make Cozumel an amazing destination:  the lagoon system.

Robert Cudney, a talented wildlife photographer, worked for the Commission of Natural Protected Areas for over 10 years and was the Director of the National Ecotourism Program, Veracruz Reefs and Cozumel Reefs National Parks.  He conducts personalized  half-day, full-day or even overnight expeditions  through Cozumel’s lagoons.   Roberts interview is tentatively scheduled to air on October 13th, and can be found on the webpage after that date.  The broadcast from the Riveria Maya is already available.

Laura Wilkinson

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