Cozumel Lobster Season Ends
Cozumel Fisherman Near Goal for Lobster Season
Just over a month left in the season & fishermen have high hopes….

Although fishing season for Panulirus argus, also known as the Caribbean spiny lobster, doesn’t officially end until February 28, 2018, Cozumel fisherman are already expecting a banner year. Representatives from the Cozumel Fisherman’s Cooperative are reporting that 25 tons of lobster has already been harvested, with an end-goal of 30 tons for the season.
A relatively low-level hurricane season in Cozumel, as well as calm seas and good weather have contributed to this high yield. Meaning that Cozumel’s abundance of lobsters can be shipped all over the country. Nearly 50 families, that comprise the Cooperative can look forward the next month.
The lobster season comes to end on the last day in February, where lobster will remain out-of-season until July 1st. This hiatus is to take into account their breeding season.
Caribbean spiny lobsters hatch from eggs that are carried on the female’s back for approximately 4 weeks. Lobsters molt, or shed their hard exoskeleton as they grow and will undergo several moltings before reaching an adult size, which takes about 2 years.
During the lobster season Cozumel’s Fishermen’s Cooperative flash freezes the majority of the lobster catch so that island restaurants can continue to serve lobster during their reproductive season.
Los pescadores de Cozumel se acercan a la meta de la temporada de langosta
Tan sólo queda un mes dentro de la temporada y los pescadores tienen grandes esperanzas. . .
A pesar que la temporada de pesca de la Panulirus argus, también conocida como la langosta espinosa del Caribe,

no concluye sino hasta Febrero 28, 2018, los pescadores de Cozumel esperan que sea un año excepcional. Representantes de la Cooperativa de Pesca de Cozumel reportan que ya han recolectado 25 toneladas de langosta, y esperan lograr la meta de 30 toneladas para la temporada.
La temporada de huracanes relativamente baja en Cozumel al igual que la mar tranquila y el buen clima han contribuido en esta elevada producción. Ello significa que la abundancia de langostas de Cozumel puede enviarse por todo el país. Las 50 familias que forman la Cooperativa ven el siguiente mes con optimismo.
El último día de Febrero finaliza la temporada de langosta y estará eb veda hasta Julio 1º. Este lapso es para considerar su época de apareamiento.
Las langostas espinosas del Caribe eclosionan de los huevos que la hembra carga los huevos durante casi 4 semanas. Conforme se desarrollan mudan su duro exoesqueleto en varias ocasiones hasta alcanzar la edad adulta; ello toma casi 2 años.
Durante la temporada de langosta la Cooperativa de Pesca de Cozumel congela gran parte de lo recolectado para que así los restaurantes de la Isla tengan la oportunidad de seguir sirviendo langosta en la época de veda.
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If the catch was so high why don’t any of the cozumel grocery stores sell lobsters? Most restaurants have been out of lobster and those that sell it the tails are small and prices double those in the u.s. for same type. Why does customs at airport confiscate frozen tails at the airport I bring from home?