Cozumel Park“Benito Juarez”  to be Remodeled & Renamed

“Benito Juarez” Park, which is located literally in Cozumel’s center, is slated for an entire remodel.  The 95-million peso project is designed to revive the downtown “zocalo” area and provide an excellent first impression for island visitors.  Overseen by the College of Architects and Engineers, the historical area will have a complete change of appearance as well as a new name.  Entitled “Punto Zero,” the project calls for lowering the level of the park and removing the old central kiosk.  To be replaced with new concrete seating areas, street lights, a fountain and additional garden areas.

The new park will also be handicapped accessible and offer free wi-fi. Additionally, the main access to “Punta Zero” will be between the downtown pier and Plaza Siria, which serve as a pedestrian walkway with direct sight access from Av. Rafael Melgar to the historic town clock.

It’s expected that the remodel will take at least 7 months to complete.

For more great Cozumel Information

This story originally appeared in the weekly Cozumel 4 You NEWS – the island’s number one source of positive information about our island!  Be sure and subscribe to the weekly NEWS to find out all the island events!

Laura Wilkinson

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