Cozumel Triathlon

photo courtesy of Katie Jackson – Blu Bambu Salon

Cozumel Named Destination for 2016 ITU Triathlon Grand Finale


Cozumel has been named as the official site for the 2016 ITU World Cup Grand Final Triathlon.  The International Triathlon Union, or ITU, recently announced their 2016 World Triathlon Series calendar.  The Cozumel Grand Final, will include an Aquathlon, Age Group, Junior and Under 23 World Championships in addition to the final men’s and women’s Elite World Championship.

The State of Quintana Roo has hosted 2 other ITU World Championship Triathlon events, once in1995 and 2002.  There was also a Relay World Championship in Cancun in 2006 but this is the first time the Grand Finale will take place here.  It’s expected that 5,000 competitors from over 100 countries will arrive and that nearly 20,000 visitors will arrive for the event, which is scheduled to take place September 11 – 18, 2016.


For more great Cozumel Information

This story originally appeared in the weekly Cozumel 4 You NEWS – the island’s number one source of positive information about our island!  Be sure and subscribe to the weekly NEWS to find out all the island events!

Laura Wilkinson
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