The fifth annual Carnival Group Mardi Gras bead fundraiser ended by presenting $7,000 USD ( approximately $91,000 pesos) to the Cruz Roja Clinic of Cozumel. It was combined with last year’s funds and The Airport Group’s collected donations for a total of $19,500 USD (approximately $227,888 pesos) and is dedicated to purchasing some new equipment and some replacement equipment for the three Cozumel Cruz Roja ambulances, training equipment for the EMTs (emergency medical technicians), communication equipment for the office and a large new storage cabinet for the emergency room supplies.

Forty-eight members of The Carnival Group volunteered to man the bead booth this year on the downtown plaza and at MEGA. It’s a group of men and women volunteers, some of whom are winter visitors and some of whom are Cozumel year-’round residents, a great opportunity to get to know and work in an international volunteer experience!

Cruz Roja volunteers will be holding a bazaar later this month at the Cruz Roja Clinic on Ave. 65 at Calle 25 Sur. They are requesting donations now of gently used clothing (no holes or rips) and shoes, costume jewelry, handbags, any kitchen items, small appliances and lamps in working condition, furniture, towels and sheets, etc. No English paperbacks, please. If you have nothing of your own to donate, perhaps you might buy something to donate. Two items that particularly sell well at local bazaars are children’s and teens underwear and bath towels. Deliver your items to Eli or Rosi at the Clinic or you may email Martha at to have your donations picked up south of downtown or Sandy at to have your donations picked up north of downtown.


This story originally appeared in the weekly Cozumel 4 You NEWS – the island’s number one source of positive information about our island!  Be sure and subscribe to the weekly NEWS to find out all the island events!…

Laura Wilkinson

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