Yesterday I was read on the internet a post that someone had written about how they couldn’t possibly come to Cozumel because we don’t flush the toilet paper, and that they thought that was really icky and prolly smelled kinda gross, eww!

I had to laugh out loud. First of all Cozumel is an island and we don’t have any water pressure at all to speak of. Second of all, have you ever been anywhere, restaurant, hotel, public place, that didn’t clean their restrooms at least once a day? that remained in business?

Seriously, what exactly is this person envisioning?? Calcutta? I’m thinking they might have missed the whole Caribbean island kinda vibe. That’s ok, more boat drinks for the rest of us!!

Laura Wilkinson
Latest posts by Laura Wilkinson (see all)
  1. Leslie Limon 15 years ago

    I could do without the ignorance of some people! But I’d love one of those boat drinks!!!

  2. SkylersDad 15 years ago

    The ignorance out there is truly amazing sometimes, isn’t it?

  3. Ms. Moon 15 years ago

    I just posted a picture of the “Do not put your paper in the toilet” signs found in Cozumel. I have no problem with it. And one of my readers pointed out that the same is true in Crete.
    So there you go.
    Love your island. Don’t put your paper in the toilet.

  4. cozzie laura 15 years ago

    I just don’t get the whole,”this isn’t the same as back home” kinda mentality.

  5. Kori 15 years ago

    I would totally crap on the ground in a hole outside in front of everyone if it meant I could go to cozumel; seriously. : )

  6. Joy 15 years ago

    I’ll be there briefly in mid-October and will be one of those horrible cruise people. I’ve never been on a cruise and wanted to try it, but if I go back to Cozumel, I’ll just go without the ship. I’d also like some suggestions about where to eat and what to do while there. Unfortunately, I won’t have much time but am excited about going. After reading Ms Moon’s blog about her love for the island, I want to go.

  7. cozzie laura 15 years ago

    Joy, send me your email addy and I’ll add you to my weekly Cozumel 4 you webletter, my email is

    maybe you can come to happy hour and have blue drinks with the surf king!!

  8. Kelley 15 years ago

    My FIL used to scuba dive in Cozumel, and I was always slightly amused/irritated at his additude that the rest of the planet should conform to what he was comfortable with. In other words, it should all be just like America. I’m sure the no flushing rule freaked him out, as he hasn’t darkened your island for a good 10 years now.

  9. Sarah 15 years ago


  10. CageQueen 15 years ago

    I’d be glad that person doesn’t want to come visit. Sounds like a party pooper to me!

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