Number One Source of Positive Information for Our Island |
Cozumel 4 You - the island's weekly bilingual NEWS - provides suggestions for restaurants, vacation planning, real estate agents, cultural activies & more.... |
Cozumel News of the Week in Photos: by Karina Carrion |
Noticias de Cozumel en la semana en fotografías: por Karina Carrión
Cozumel Artists Affected by the Pandemic: BNER
A Series By Greg Dietrich, Owner Galeria Azul
Artistas de Cozumel afectados por la Pandemia: BNER
Una serie de Greg Dietrich, propietario de Galería Azul
Discounts for Predial (Property Tax) & Garbage Collection fees 2021 Announced |
Se dan a conocer los descuentos en el pago de predial y recolección de basura para el 2021 |
Honoring Traditions: “Las Cabañuelas,” Mayan Weather Predictions
Honrando las tradiciones: “Las Cabañuelas”, predicciones mayas del clima |
Cozumel 4 You News is a weekly newsletter published about the island of Cozumel, concentrating on the positive aspects and activities here on the Island of Swallows. Translations provided by Monica Sauza, certified translator. If you have an idea for the newsletter , would like to advertise, please contact Laura at laura@czm4you.com.
All articles, in both English and Spanish are the exclusive property of Cozumel 4 You and cannot be used, displayed or reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. If you would like to quote, use or link to our newsletter, please contact laura@czm4you.com for details.
Todos los artículos, tanto en inglés como en español son propiedad exclusiva de Cozumel 4 You y no pueden ser utilizados, o reproducidos sin permiso expreso por escrito de la editorial. Si gustas citar, utilizar o vincular a nuestro newsletter, póngase en contacto con laura@czm4you.com para obtener más detalles. |