Cozumel's Number One Source of Positive Information for Our Island
Cozumel 4 You - the island's weekly bilingual Community NEWS - suggestions for restaurants, vacation planning, services, cultural activities & more.... 
Concern in Cozumel about the environmental and social impact of the Cabo Mantarraya project by Moisés JH & Antonio LV
Preocupación en Cozumel por el proyecto Cabo Mantarraya su impacto ambiental y social por Moisés JH & Antonio LV
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Mexican women who made history: Gertrudis Bocanegra, the Great Heroine of Pátzcuaro by Monica Sauza
Mexicanas que hicieron historia: Gertrudis Bocanegra, la Gran Heroína de Pátzcuaro por Monica Sauza
Humane Society of Cozumel Island

The Humane Society of Cozumel Island

"Rocket is the sweetest!"

He's always the first to greet anyone who comes to the Cat Cafe, and then immediately gives head boops in exchange for pets and loving.

He's the floppiest cat in the crew! He loves being held and cuddled and will happily hang over your shoulder for a stroll. Rocket is interested in everything, probably why he loves the view from above. He's playful and interactive, but also knows how to chill and nap the day away. 2 year old male, extremely photogenic.;

📌Remember: if you want to support but can't visit us, you can make a donation (tax-deductible)


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(this would be there the 3rd row goes starting with a)
Mexican Independence Day & the “Grito de Dolores”
Independencia de México y el Grito de Dolores
This is where a 3rd row goes starting with a
Cozumel’s Clocktower Celebrates 114 Years
La torre del reloj de Cozumel celebra 114 años
(ad row starting wuth a and ending with a)
Cozumel 4 You News is weekly news published about the island of Cozumel, concentrating on the positive aspects and activities here on the Island of Swallows. Translations provided by the Cozumel 4 You Team including Monica Sauza, preferred translator. If you have an idea for the news , would like to advertise, please contact Laura at All articles, in both English and Spanish are the exclusive property of Cozumel 4 You and cannot be used, displayed or reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. If you would like to quote, use or link to our newsletter, please contact for details. Todos los artículos, tanto en inglés como en español son propiedad exclusiva de Cozumel 4 You y no pueden ser utilizados, o reproducidos sin permiso expreso por escrito de la editorial. Si gustas citar, utilizar o vincular a nuestro newsletter, póngase en contacto con para obtener más detalles.