The Fundacion De Parques Y Museos De Cozumel, or FPMC for short, is kind enough to offer bona fide island residents an identification card that allows them free entrances to various island attractions, including Punta Sur Eco-Park, Chankanaab National Park and San Gervasio.  In order to obtain this card you will need the following:  a copy of your credential from Immigration, a current utility bill, (also known as a “comprobante de domicillo,” in Spanish), and a plan locale card from either ferry operator.  The offices of the FPMC are located on Av. 30th between Juarez and Calle 1, with office hours between 8am – 3 pm, Monday through Friday.  Cost of the credential is $30 pesos.  For more information, check out the FPMC webpage.

Laura Wilkinson
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  1. doodletart 11 years ago

    Concerning the “credential fro Immigration”, can it be a tourist visa?
    Also, how do you get a plan local card from ferry, and what are THEIR requirements?

    • Author
      Laura 11 years ago

      You must be a resident, and have the Immigration documents. A tourist card does not suffice.

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