Cozumel residents took to the voting booths over the weekend and elected a new Mayor and new Deputy.  Freddy Marrufo Martin is Cozumel’s Mayor-Elect, while Perla Tun Pech from the PAN party will serve as the member of the house of Representatives.  It is interesting to note that the winners are from different political parties:  Freddy is from PRI, while Perla hails from PAN.  Although the winners will not assume their duties for over 3 months, both candidates have been busily preparing for their new posts.

Of the nearly 61,000 citizens who compose Cozumel’s electorial roll,  just over 60% turned out to exercise their right to vote.

This story originally appeared in the weekly Cozumel 4 You NEWS – the island’s number one source of positive information about our island!  Be sure and subscribe to the weekly NEWS to find out all the island events!…

Laura Wilkinson
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