More than 30 island children have recently earned a certificate in basic first aid from the paramedics at the Cruz Roja. The course,...
Laura WilkinsonMay 26, 2014The President of Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF) Cozumel, Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, recently was presented with a 100,000 peso donation representing...
Laura WilkinsonApril 7, 2014The fifth annual Carnival Group Mardi Gras bead fundraiser ended by presenting $7,000 USD ( approximately $91,000 pesos) to the Cruz Roja Clinic...
Laura WilkinsonMarch 18, 2014The Cruz Roja Carnaval Group is gearing up for another great season. They are a group of 76 volunteers who once-a-year man a...
Laura WilkinsonFebruary 11, 2014