Cozumel Public Safety COVID Cozumel Public Safety Campaign #PonteTruchaConEsteLucha Cozumel has recently implemented a public safety campaign called #PonteTruchaConEsteLucha (loosely translated as...
Laura WilkinsonJuly 30, 2020Cozumel Reopening Cozumel Readies For A Limited Opening: Federal State & Municipal Regulations & Updates While no one can oppose the fact...
Laura WilkinsonJune 4, 2020Cozumel Without Cruise Ships Cruise ship arrivals in Mexico have been canceled for up to five weeks in response to the coronavirus...
Laura WilkinsonMarch 19, 2020Cozumel COVID-19 Virus Officials Assert Cozumel & Quintana Roo Remain Free of COVID-19 Virus Officials from the State of Quintana Roo have...
Laura WilkinsonMarch 12, 2020