Recent studies have shown that coral bleaching in the Cozumel area is diminished by as much as 15% from the year before. According...
More than 2,300 individuals were assisted through the generous efforts of the Dirección de Atención Ciudadana (DAC) in 2012, an increase in 8%...
Cozumel is considered to be one of the most important cruise ship ports in the North American continent, and expected cruise ship arrivals...
Cozumel’s 2013 Carnaval celebrations have already kicked off in a big way. Last weekend the official candidates were presented to a sold-out crowd...
Cozumel’s Centro de Acopio de Materiales Reciclables (CAMAR) recently reported that 640 tons of waste was recycled from the island in 2012. Of...
The ancient Mayans are revered for their knowledge of astronomy, however, they have also left behind another gift, the tradition of “Las Cabañuelas,”...
What is Tip the Island? If we get enough people on the east side, can we TIP THE ISLAND? Let’s find out! The second...
Huge congratulations are in order for the Trashy Little Group who not only completed their 2012 goal but actually exceeded it! 1256 bags...
Merchants in Cozumel’s Mercado municipal have had a reason to smile lately. According to the administrator, sales are up 65% in the last...
In a recent visit to the island, Chile’s Ambassador entered into an agreement with Cozumel’s President to make Cozumel and Viña del Mar ...