Cozumel Fishing Tournament COVID Cozumel’s “Rodeo de Lanchas Mexicanas” Fishing Tournament Dates Still in Flux Cozumel’s biggest fishing tournament “Rodeo de Lanchas Mexicanas”...
Helping Cozumel Ways to Assist the Island of Cozumel: UPDATED As everyone is aware, the island of Cozumel is essentially shut down and...
Cozumel Island Quarantine Actions Cozumel Island Quarantine Actions There is an island-wide curfew stating at 10pm, but there are roadblocks & police presence...
Mexican National Level Warnings, State of Quintana Roo Regulations & Cozumel Quarantines Mexican National Level Warnings, State of Quintana Roo Regulations & Cozumel...
Cozumel curfew Cozumel Proactively Self Curfews Cozumel’s President, Pedro Joaquin, announced earlier this week that the Cozumel municipality is strongly considering implementing...
Cozumel Without Cruise Ships Cruise ship arrivals in Mexico have been canceled for up to five weeks in response to the coronavirus...