Feria de Cedral 2024 El Cedral Readies for the Yearly “Feria de Cedral” April 28 – May 4 As...
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Cozumel Feria Cedral Santa Cruz
Laura Wilkinson, , Things to Do, Cedral, Cozumel Traditions, things to do in Cozumel, 0Cedral Families Celebrate El Dia de la Santa Cruz Although the Feria del Cedral has been postponed for the...
Cozumel Valentine Wedding
Laura Wilkinson, , Health & Fitness, Collective Wedding, Cozumel Traditions, Cozumel Valentine Wedding, 0Cozumel Valentine Wedding Valentine’s Day Collective Wedding: A Sweet Cozumel Tradition One of Cozumel’s sweetest and touching island...
Holiday Tree Lighting Cozumel
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Christmas in Cozumel, Cozumel, Cozumel Traditions, Holiday Tree Lighting Cozumel, things to do in Cozumel, 0Holiday Tree Lighting Cozumel Holiday Tree Lighting in Cozumel Holiday Season Arrives in Cozumel…. Cozumel’s municipal President, Pedro Joaquin,...