Cozumel Elects New Mayor Cozumel Elects New Mayor Pedro Joaquin Delbouis Wins ….. Cozumel residents took to the voting...
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Cozumel’s Public Registry has a new Temporary Manager
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Cozumel, Cozumel Government, Municipal, 0Cozumel’s Public Registry has a new Temporary Manager Luis Mendez King hopes to streamline paperwork … Attorney Luis Mendez...
Cozumel Green Angels Cozumel’s Angeles Verdes, or Green Angels Helping Motorists in Need Motorist assistance provided free of charge...
Cozumel’s New President – Perla Tun – Inaugurated
Laura Wilkinson, , Municipality, Cozumel Mayor, Municipal, politics, 0Cozumel’s New President – Perla Tun – Inaugurated President Perla Tun Pech & her administration took office October 1st...
Cozumel Pier New Downtown Pier Functioning The new wooden pier that completes the remodeling of Cozumel’s entire downtown zocolo...