Cozumel Elects New Mayor Cozumel Elects New Mayor Pedro Joaquin Delbouis Wins ….. Cozumel residents took to the voting booths over the weekend...
Laura WilkinsonJuly 5, 2018Cozumel’s Public Registry has a new Temporary Manager Luis Mendez King hopes to streamline paperwork … Attorney Luis Mendez King has recently accepted...
Laura WilkinsonMarch 9, 2017Cozumel Green Angels Cozumel’s Angeles Verdes, or Green Angels Helping Motorists in Need Motorist assistance provided free of charge from hard-working staff…. The...
Laura WilkinsonDecember 29, 2016Cozumel’s New President – Perla Tun – Inaugurated President Perla Tun Pech & her administration took office October 1st …. Cozumel’s newly elected...
Laura WilkinsonOctober 5, 2016Cozumel Pier New Downtown Pier Functioning The new wooden pier that completes the remodeling of Cozumel’s entire downtown zocolo has recently started operations...
Laura WilkinsonSeptember 8, 2016