Cozumel News for You Webletter June 24, 2009
Cozumel Surfing

Have you always wanted to learn how to surf, hang ten, and ride the waves? Cozumel is the ideal place to learn, with it’s soft rolling waves, and large undeveloped beach. Allow international surf champion, Nacho Gutierrez, to safely show you the basics and hang 10 on a surf board!
Bohemian Nights

Cozumel has recently started a new program called Bohemian Nights featuring music and art at the downtown Plaza (Benito Juarez) by the waterfront.
The people of Cozumel invite you to get to know one of their most historic and traditional locations, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30PM to 10:30PM.
Come watch the Caribbean's most spectacular sunsets, then enjoy great music and the special ambience of the Plaza which has always been Cozumel's traditional gathering spot!
Friday Happy Hour

This week’s Friday Happy Hour is being hosted by Especias Restaubar, located on Calle 3 with 5 Av, in front of the underwater mural. Adrian has something really special in store for you this week. He’s hosting a “get your fingers dirty” party, featuring a sampling of the appetizers that you can eat with your fingers, and 2 x 1drinks. There will also be live accoustic guitar music. Greg Deitrich, from Galeria Azul, will also be on hand, doing a showing of paintings on silk and engraved glass lamps.
Cozumel 4 You hosts a Friday happy hour weekly at a different location from 6 – 9 pm. If you have an idea for a happy hour or are interested in hosting one, please contact Laura.

Food for the those in need

Cozumel is set to open a Food Bank on Thursday June 25th. The Food Bank is located on 11th between 85 and 90.
Cozumel 4 You TV News on Canal 5

Starting next Thursday, July 2, Cozumel 4 You and Canal 5 will be starting our news in english program on Thursday from 7 to 8 pm. The show is live, and will feature live call ins as well as interviews, activities, and fun.
Cozumel´s Living Legends:
Cozumel's Living Ledgends is a new series, authored byRodrigo Rodriguez, which explores the myths, folktales, and ghost stories associated with Cozumel.
Mayra`s Ballad
An insular Chappaquiddick
worst than a Lewinsky-gate;
The never-ending story
of little Mayra`s sad fate
A young man of 31
the Iguano`s clan chosen heir;
Breed to rule a Southeast kingdom
with his mind on the big Chair.
But he enjoyed the wild parties
King Neptune’s disco affairs;
Where he met and used Ayuso
endangering his career.
When her pregnancy was obvious, she tried to blackmail the man,
that was Mayra`s huge mistake;
Cause the cancerberus Rocha promptly
received high orders… to cruelly dispose of her.
It was with taxpayers’ money
that Commander Rocha hired Padilla Alcocer;
For 20 silver dinars, in an alcoholic blur,
close to the aeronautic grounds… Padilla killed the girl.
Who killed my little daughter?
Cried in shock Ana Isabel;
It is obvious that Padilla and his henchman Jose E.
were just a couple of lowlifes, in the hands of mighty men.
Who lost all foresenic evidence?
Who burned the whole dossier?
Who sent to jail Cia Polanco
and her friend Norma Páez?
Everybody loves the big man
the people voted for him;
But in his palatial chambers
two ghosts scare him to death.
2012 is fast coming
the Chair will change hands again;
The memory of Mayra Ayuso
will remain concealed in haze.
Leyendas Vivientes de Cozumel:
Leyendas Vivientes de Cozumel es una serie nueva, escribido por Rodrigo Rodriguez, que explora los mitos, cosas folklóricas, y las historias de fantasmas y aluxes asociadas a Cozumel.
La Balada de Mayra
Más fuerte que… Chappaquiddick
peor que aquel Lewinsky-gate;
la crónica interminable
de una muerte en Cozumel
Un político muy joven
heredero del gran clan;
Su destino fue mandar, aquel reino tropical
con la vista puesta siempre… en la gran presidencial.
Pero tras de la fachada, al ocaso frecuentaba,
los exclusivos saraos, que Neptuno organizaba;
Fue ahí que abuso de Mayra
sin reparar el peligro… que a su carrera acarreaba.
Con la panza ya evidente, ella intento chantajearlo
¡Ay Mayra de mis entrañas! Nunca lo hubieras tratado;
pues al cancerbero Rocha, sus órdenes le giraron…
“…si eliminas la chamaca, tu futuro aseguramos”
Fue con dinero del pueblo, de los que impuestos aun pagan,
que Rocha dio el anticipo, para que a Mayra mataran;
Padilla Alcocer borracho, con los dinares de plata,
a golpes, hasta cansarse, ultimó a la embarazada.
¿Quién mato a mi pequeñita?
Ana Isabel demandaba…
Es obvio que ese Padilla y su esbirro José Enrique
son títeres en las manos de gente muy encumbrada.
¿Quién perdió las evidencias?
¿Quién extravió los archivos?
¿Quien fue el que a Cia Polanco y su amiga Norma Páez
siendo que son inocentes los mandara encarcelar?
Todo el mundo ama al gran hombre
Su pueblo mucho le aguanta;
Pero en las obscuras noches, solo en sus lujosas cámaras
dos son las almas errantes que crónico insomnio le causan.
¡Que pronto se acerca el año! 2012 ya es mañana
nuevamente queda sola, la bella Silla dorada;
Mayra Ayuso y su recuerdo
Permanecen archivadas.