August 12, 2010 |
Lobster Season Opens on a Positive Note in Cozumel

Lobster season in Cozumel started on August 1st. The Cooperativo Pesquera Cozumel (The Cozumel Fishing Cooperative) is reporting a 20% increase in lobster captured this August vs. August of last year. The type of lobster found here in Cozumel are Caribbean Spiny Lobster, or Panulirus argus, which can actually grow to a maximum length of 60 cm. Young lobsters grow quickly, and reach 7.6 cm in about 1.5 years. Male lobsters grow faster than females, most Caribbean spiny lobster attain about 9 cm in carapace length when they are about three years old.
La temporada de langosta en Cozumel comenzó el 1 de agosto. El Cooperativo de Pesca Cozumel está informando sobre un 20% de aumento en langosta capturada este agosto al agosto del año pasado. El tipo de langosta que se encuentra aquí en Cozumel son langosta del Caribe, o panulirus argus, que realmente puede crecer a una longitud máxima de 60 cm. langostas jóvenes crecen rápidamente y llegar a 7.6 cm en aproximadamente 1.5 años. Las Langostas machos crecen más rápidamente que las hembras, la mayoría de la langosta caribeña alcanzar aproximadamente 9 cm de longitud de caparazón cuando tienen tres años edad.
Space Shuttle Launch Base Planned for Quintana Roo

The Mexican Space Agency (AEXA) is planning to open a space station located in Punta Calentura, in the Othón P. Blanco municipality, just outside of Chetumal.. This space project will be a fantastic tourist attraction for southern Quintana Roo and will consist of 4 elements: a launching platform, a runway and airport, a sub aquatic training unit and a Space Museum. The project is expected to be completed in a record breaking 36 months.
La Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEXA) planea abrir una estación espacial situada en Punta Calentura, en el municipio de Othón P. Blanco, afueras de Chetumal Este proyecto del espacio será una atracción turística fantástica para el sur de Quintana Roo y constará de 4 elementos: una plataforma de lanzamiento, una pista de aterrizaje y aeropuerto, una unidad de entrenamiento de sub acuáticos y un museo.Se espera que el proyecto se complete en un tiempo de registro record de 36 meses.
Cozumel To Host Statewide Artesian Contest

Cozumel, will again host the state wide craft contest. This is the 13th year the contest will be held, and the second concurrent year it will take place in Cozumel. Individuals and local cooperatives all over the state compete in different branches of indigenous crafts, including textiles, hammocks and wood crafts. Check out a few of last year’s entries,
Cozumel, acogerá una vez más el concurso de artesanía amplias de Estado. Este es el 13 año que se celebrará el concurso, y el segundo año consecutivo que se llevará a cabo en Cozumel. Individuos y cooperativas locales en el estado compiten en diferentes ramas de artesanías indígenas, incluidos los productos textiles, hamacas y artesanía de madera. Checa algunas de las entradas del año pasado
Humane Society "Pets of the Week" Chilindrina & Bethany- by Andrea Sekula
 Great news for one of our dogs featured in the Cozumel 4 You June 24th issue. You may remember the story of Virligio Camera, known by many as Carmarita. A man known to be a good friend to many dogs over the years, who lived quietly on the north side of the island whose life suddenly changed forever following a stroke that left him semi-paralyzed. His remaining dogs had to be brought into the Humane Society as he could no longer care for them. Thanks to many Cozumel 4 You readers 2 of his heart worm positive dogs were able to be treated for heart worm. Nina also known as Chilindrina had a very bad eye and unfortunately it has to be operated on and removed, so she is now a one eyed dog. She is a very small poodle type mix dog, 4 years of age. Great news!! She has a home in Utah with a family that already has a one eyed dog and they are more than happy to welcome to her into their home. What we really need at this point of time is a pet escort to take Nina to Salt Lake City or to Las Vegas area or any airport within 6 hours of Salt Lake City. She can travel under the seat in a sherpa bag of almost any airline. Nina would also benefit greatly from foster care until she leaves as she recovers from her operation and her last heart worm injection. She is a very quiet loving dog, loves to sit on your lap a true pleasure and so easy to fall in love with. If you can help please contact us:
If you are in the market for a cat that really loves dogs, than this precious 1 year old grey tabby, named Bethany is your best bet. She refuses to hang out with the other cats!! She always wants to be with the dogs, always found everyday in the patio area playing and relaxing with them and putting rambunctious puppies in their place such as a mother dog would. She is such a sweet cat and we do fear she may decide to play with a dog that is not so good with cats one day, so we would like to see her go to a good home soon. Come on down and meet her anytime, or contact us via
Para obtener más información sobre estos y cualquiera de nuestros animales súper cariñosos listos para su adopción, póngase en contacto con
MayaAir Expands Operations: Connects Cozumel

MayaAir Airlines has recently announced plans to start flights from Cozumel to Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, and 65 international destinations. Supported by the Vistors and Convention offices, MayaAir worked with ASUR, which governs the airport, and studied Aeromexico, and other airlines currently operating in Quintana Roo. MayaAir has also implemented a deeply discounted airfare of 399 pesos from Cozumel to Cancun, and vice versa, for residents of Quintana Roo.
La aereolina MayaAir ha anunciado recientemente planes para iniciar vuelos de Cozumel a ciudad de México, Monterrey, Guadalajara y 65 destinos internacionales. Apoyado por las oficinas y de Vistors, MayaAir trabajó con ASUR, que gobierna el aeropuerto y estudió de Aeromexico y otras aerolíneas que actualmente operan en Quintana Roo. MayaAir también ha implementado un precio de avión continuo de 399 pesos de Cozumel a Cancún y viceversa, para los residentes de Quintana Roo.
Large Lionfish Reported Outside of the Marine Park

Lionfish are actively being hunted, captured, destroyed and, best case scenario, eaten, within the Cozumel Marine Park, however, it is being reported that in other areas, outside of the protected areas, lionfish, which have no natural predators, are running rampant. Areas which are considered to be especially at risk include, the lagoon areas in the northern end of the island, and the small atolls on the eastern side, from Punta Molas to Punta Sur. Divers returning from these areas are reporting lionfish in abundance, with some specimens even 30 – 40 cm in length.
El pez león está siendo cazado, capturado, destruido y, el mejor escenario del caso, comido, dentro del parque marino de Cozumel, sin embargo, es que se informó que en otras áreas, fuera de las áreas protegidas, el pez León, que no tiene ningún depredador natural, se está extendiendo. Las áreas que se consideran están particularmente en riesgo incluyen, las zonas de la laguna en el extremo norte de la isla y los atolones pequeños en el lado oriental, desde Punta Molas a Punta sur. Los buzos que regresan de estas áreas con informes del pez león comentan que se encuentra en abundancia en estas zonas, con algunos especímenes incluso 30 – 40 cm de longitud.
New Prescription Drug Regulations Ready to Go Into Effect

In a recent study, the Hospital General de Cozumel reported that nearly half of the patients that sought treatment required antibiotics, that will no longer be dispensed without a prescription once the new Prescription Drug Law goes into effect starting on August 25th. Island hospitals are gearing up for what is expected to be an increase in patients, since people will no longer be allowed to self-medicate.
En un estudio reciente, el Hospital General de Cozumel informó que casi la mitad de los pacientes que buscaron tratamiento requerían de antibióticos, que ya que si no cuenta con receta, con la nueva ley de medicamentos, no se podrá obtener estos medicamentos, la cual entra en vigor a partir del 25 de agosto. Los Hospitales de la isla están preparando para lo que se espera un aumento en los pacientes, ya que las personas ya no se podrán auto medicarse.
Upcoming & Continuing Events

Optica Caribe Offers Deep Discounts on Looking Younger, August 20th - Mark your calendar for August 20th! Optica Caribe is offering discounts on botox, dysport and restylane, with evaluations and consultations free of charge. Best of all, there will be a dermatologist from Mexico City on-hand to assist. Make your appointment now, although the consultations are free, space is limited. Call Optica Caribe at 872 – 3805.
Mark su calendario para el 20 de agosto! Óptica Caribe está ofreciendo descuentos de botox, dysport y restylane, con las evaluaciones y consultas de forma gratuita. Lo mejor de todo, habrá un dermatólogo de la ciudad de México en la mano para ayudar. Haga su cita ahora, a pesar de que las consultas son gratuitas, el espacio es limitado. Llame al Optica Caribe al 872 – 3805.
Interested in Purchasing Real Estate in Cozumel? Cozumel Living’s August Newsletter is out! Nancy Edwards has included a buyer’s guide to purchasing your dream home here on the island. The article contains a do’s and don’ts list as well as some helpful guidelines to ensure that your investment is protected. Here’s the link to the newsletter:
Boletín de agosto de Cozumel Living es listo! Nancy Edwards ha incluido la guía del comprador para comprar la casa de tus sueños aquí en la isla. El artículo contiene una lista de lo que debes contar, como algunas directrices útiles para garantizar que tu inversión está protegida. Aquí está el enlace al boletín:
Conference on the Life & Work of the Poetess “Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz” – lead by the Art Historian Carlos Vega Place: Toh cafeteria (65 Avenue between 25 and 27 in front of Super San Francisco) Hour: 7 p.m. Date: Thursday 12 of August Donation: 50 pesos The event is organized by the Friends la Cultura de Cozumel and Círculo Cultural Arcano. All donations benefit of the Autumn Cultural Program of Cozumel.
Conferencia sobre la vida y obra de la poetisa "Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz" Con el historiador de arte: Carlos Vega Lugar: Cafetería Toh (65 Avenida entre 25 y 27 Sur, frente al Super San Francisco de Asís) Hora: 7 pm Fecha: Jueves 12 de agosto Donativo: 50 pesos El evento es organizado por los Amigos de la Cultura de Cozumel y Círculo Cultural Arcano. Lo recaudado será a beneficio del Otoño Cultural de Cozumel.
Playa Azul Beach Club - Just 5 minutes from main square and pier. Open daily from 10 am to 5 pm - No entrance fee! Enjoy a family-friendly atmosphere with a spectacular ocean view. On site lockers, restrooms, shower, massage, own pier, snorkel rental, diving services and wireless Internet. Locals enjoy 10% off their bill in the restaurant, which features an extensive array of meals to choose from. SUNDAYS: Salsa lessons 12:30pm and Live music Aquino y su banda Aguanilé from 3:00 pm. Swim, play, eat and dance all at Playa Azul Beach Club.
A 5 minutos de la plaza principal y el muelle. Abierto de 10 am a 5 pm todos los días- la entrada es gratis! Disfrute de un ambiente familiar, con una vista espectacular del mar. En la locación hay lockers, baños, regaderas, masaje, muelle propio, alquiler de snorkel, buceo de servicios e Internet inalámbrico. Los locales disfrutan de un 10% de descuento en su cuenta en el restaurante, que ofrece una gran variedad de comidas para elegir. DOMINGOS: Lecciones de Salsa 12:30 pm y música en vivo con Aquino y su banda Aguanilé hasta 3:00 pm. Nadar, jugar, comer y bailar todos en Playa Azul Beach Club.
Got an interesting event or hot tip? We’re always on the hunt for positive fun stories about Cozumel….Drop us an email at
¿Tienes un evento interesante o una historia caliente? Estamos siempre a la caza de historias positivas acerca de Cozumel….Déjanos un correo electrónico en